Maturing Teams with 360 Degree Feedback

After many requests for a deepdive on our subject “Maturing Teams with 360 Degree Feedback” at Scrum Day Europe, registration is now open for our free deepdive session on the 9th of September 2021 @ 20:00 CEST!

In this session Ron and Randy will cover what they’ve covered in the session on Scrum Day Europe, but this time there will be more time to have more interaction and to go deeper into the the different cases.

Register below to register for this session!

Mature teams at the fundament

Mature and autonomous teams are one of the biggest catalysts for an organization to accomplish their goals. Leaders can guide a team towards maturity by gradually adapting their leadership style and guidance, so that teams get used to their new responsibilities in a sustainable pace.

Different ways to stimulate growth

Traditional organizations often use mechanisms that stimulate individual growth, causing a conflict in a leaders intention to stimulate more team-based behaviour. That is why more and more Agile organizations are looking
to replace their outdated performance-appraisal systems by a system that supports teams to give 360-degree peer-based feedback.

360 Degree feedback

In the last year we helped our clients experiment with implementing 360-degree feedback in the Agile teams.
In a hybrid world where teams partially work co-located it was important that they were supported by the right guidance and tooling. That is why we developed an online system to support the review-process. By doing so we could also help teams at diff erent stages in their development. Teams that are still in the forming and norming stages required a diff erent feedback approach than the more mature teams.

What will you learn?

In this session we will share practical cases of how we helped the teams provide each other with peer-feedback and help the team and each other grow.

We will share:

  • how we helped leaders to scale the feedback process by making the best use of the mechanisms that Scrum provides us
  • how we approached the feedback process and the tools we’ve used to collect the feedback
  • some anonymized feedback results and how teams have used this feedback to identify mutual qualities, issues and possible growth-opportunities